Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Day of School 2009

August 2009 brought three separate First Days of School, one for each of our growing boys. It was even more exciting because it was a new school for each of them. We began with Jayden on August 13, attending Second Grade at Chappelow with Mrs. Wheeler. Jayden loves school, and was beyond excited to make new friends and learn everything he could.

Ready to learn!

A few short days later, on the 17th, Noah started his first day of Kindergarten at Chappelow with Mrs. Miller. Noah is extremely smart, but can also be pretty strong-willed, and we were very happy to find out, over the course of the school year, that Mrs. Miller had a perfect balance of consistency, patience and attention to give Noah a great experience.

Gearing up to be a "Miller's Monkey"

Working on his dissertation

And finally, on September 1st, after what seemed like an eternity for him, Owen began his first day of Preschool at the First Congregational Church with Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. Holmes' class was heaven for Owen, who drank up every minute of his school time and was always sad to leave.

"Can I go in yet?"

Rockin' the cubby

We can't believe it's time to do this again: Owen will be in the 4-5 year old Preschool class with Mrs. McQuitty, Noah will be a First Grader, and Jayden will begin Third Grade. Sofie is one year away from beginning Preschool, and I'm sure that will be here before we know it.

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